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Aktuelle Projekte Studierender

  • [Start 2020] ‘Effects of torpor use during development on seasonal dynamic of telomere length in a hibernating rodent’ – Ms. Katharina Scheibenhoffer (Master at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
  • [Start 2020] ‘Lifelong effects of energy-saving strategies during development in the garden dormouse’ – Ms. Lisa Prestel (Vet-Diploma ~Master at University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria)
  • [Start June 2020] ‘Interacting effects of human activity and climate on animal phenology and behavior: focus on brown bears’ – Ms. Alexandra Thiel (PhD at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
  • [Start Sept. 2019] ‘Influence of development hibernation behavior during development on life-history traits in the Common hamster (Cricetus cricetus)’ – M. Hugo Chignec (Master at University and CNRS of Strasbourg, France)
  • [Start 2019] ‘Consequences of torpor use during early-life on heterothermy in adulthood and in the next generation of garden dormice’ – Ms. Sabrina Rosner (Vet-Diploma ~Master at University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria)
  • [Start 2018] ‘Effect of huddling and food availability on growth, torpor use, and energetic strategies during pre-hibernation and hibernation in juvenile garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus)’ – Ms. Beata Sente (Master at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
  • [Start Sept. 2018] ‘Comparison of life-history traits between fat and food-storing hibernators’ – M. Théo Constant (PhD at University and CNRS of Strasbourg, France)

Abgeschlossene Projekte Studierender

  • [2019-2020] ‘Effects of huddling on torpor use and energetics in hibernating juvenile garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus) according to food availability’ – Ms. Laura Charlanne (Master at University of Rennes, France)
  • [2019] ‘Consequences of social environment and food availability during early-life on subsequent reproduction in garden dormice’ – Laura Steininger (Vet-Diploma ~Bachelor at University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria)
  • [2018-2019] ‘Effects of huddling and food availability on torpor use and telomeres dynamics in juvenile garden dormice before and during hibernation’ – Ms. Anouck Four-Chaboussant (Master at Paris-Sorbonne University, France)
  • [2013-2014] ‘Differences in torpor use, growth and pre-hibernation fattening between early and late-born juvenile garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus)’ – Ms. Britta Mahlert (Master at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
  • [2013-2014] ‘Differences in growth rates and pre-hibernation body mass gain between early and late-born juvenile garden dormice’ – M. Stefan Stumpfel (Bachelor at University of Vienna, Austria)
  • [2011-2012] ‘Growth and pre-hibernation fattening in late-born juvenile garden dormice (Eliomys quercinus): Consequences for winter hibernation’ – Ms. Ines Hofer (Master University of Vienna, Austria)