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Elisa Perinot, MSc.

Konrad-Lorenz-Institut für Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung
Department für Interdisziplinäre Lebenswissenschaften
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Savoyenstr. 1a
A-1160 Wien

E-Mail to Elisa Perinot


I am interested in the proximate mechanisms that allow cooperation in the V-formation during migration flights in the Northen bald ibis (Geronticus eremita). The main goals of my PhD are: 1) to study reciprocation during migration flights by monitoring position switches and solving spatial relations among the birds of the flock; 2) to investigate the effect of social dynamics on formation flight and vice versa; and 3) to determine if increasing experience has an impact on formation flight and on cooperation.

Current Project

Costs and benefits of formation flight in birds.  
FWF Project P-30620, LIFE Northern Bald Ibibs LIFE+12-BIO_AT_000143
