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Neues e-Book "50 Years of Bat Research : Foundations and New Frontiers“

Aus der Verlagsinformation:

With more than 1,400 species, bats are an incredibly diverse and successful group of mammals that can serve as model systems for many unique evolutionary adaptations. Flight has allowed them to master the sky, while echolocation enables them to navigate in the dark. Being small, secretive, nocturnal creatures has made bats a challenge to study, but over the past 50 years, innovative research has made it possible to dispel some of the mystery and myth surrounding them to give us a better understanding of the role these animals play in the ecosystem.

Diese Neuerscheinung aus 2021 steht auf der Plattform ProQuest Ebook Central zum Online lesen zur Verfügung. Der Download einzelner Kapitel ist dauerhaft möglich.

Über die Bibliothekssuchmaschine vetmed:seeker kann das Buch gefunden werden.