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We have implemented a ticketing system in VetEasy to send support inquiries to the Platform. Supervisors are kindly requested to submit tickets on behalf of students without access to Veteasy.

You will receive an automatic email as soon as your inquiry has been assigned to a member of the Platform who will then also contact you with regards to your inquiry.

Experiments and projects that turn out to involve complex statistical modelling (e.g. generalized linear mixed models) which has to be performed by a member of the Platform will need approval by the head of the Platform for Biostatistics who decides upon eligibility of the project and provides feedback on final results.

Support for complex projects is available for members of Vetmeduni Vienna for up to 8 hours per year free of charge. Free support for such projects is further limited to 30 hours per institute and year. An hourly rate of 37 Euros applies. The first 80 hours per institute and year are charged at 50% reduced rate.

Standard projects are exempt from the above rule.

We look forward to working with you!


Support provided by the Platform (complimentary or paid) has to be acknowledged by the clients in all associated publications.

Any scientific contribution (peer reviewed paper, project reports, talks, posters, thesis, etc) in which a member of the Platform is mentioned needs approval by the corresponding member before publication.