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The Graf Lehndorff Institute conducts reserach on equine reproduction and breeding healthcare, animal welfare and training and management of horses. Long term reserach is focussed on two areas. In all reserach projects, scientists from the Lehndorff Institute cooperate in interdisciplinary teams with Universities and Institutes in Brandenburg and Berlin, different Institutes at Vetmeduni Vienna and with international partners.

Research Focus Animal Reproduction and Horse Breeding

Research in animal reproduction and horse breeding at the Lehndorff Institute is focussed on the following aims:

  • Advance assisted reproductive technologies in the horse,
  • Increase our knowledge on gonadal physiology, gamete development, conception, pregnancy and foaling,
  • Investigate infectious and non-infectious subfertility in horses,
  • Analyse interactions between fertility and environmental and nutritional factors.

Research at the Lehndorff Institute is performed in close cooperation with the Centre for Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer and the Division for Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Andrology in Vienna. Projects range from studies in healthy horses at Neustadt to clinical problems in the Vienna Animal Hospital and studies on the cellular and molecular biology of gametes and embryos.

Research Focus Animal Welfare

Studies in this research focus of the institute are aimed at improving the husbandry, management and training of horses.