- Institute of Nutrition /
- About us /
- Scientific staff
Head of the working group
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Johannes Novak
+43 1 25077-3100
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- Head of the working group
- Quality of secondary metabolite–producing plants (especially medicinal and spice plants)
- Variability and biosynthesis of phytochemicals
- DNA-based identification of secondary metabolite -producing plants
- Secretary General of EUROPAM (European Herb Growers Association)
- Editorial board: Journal of Medicinal and Spice Plants, Pharmacognosy Journal
- List of publications
- Biodiversity of select secondary plant metabolites
- Secondary plant metabolites in feedstuffs and nutritional supplements
- Phytochemistry
- Botany
- Poisonous plant science, consultation with regard to poisonous plants
- <link https: vetdoc.vetmeduni.ac.at vetdoc _blank>List of Publications
Dr.med.vet. Isabella Hahn-Ramssl
+43 1 25077-3106
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- Research specialization: Veterinary phytotherapy
- Application of functional botanical substances (phytogenic feed supplements or herbal medicines) in preventive care and/or treatment of animals
- Information about poisonous plants
- Consultation on the topic of veterinary phytotherapy
- Member of the "Phytovet" working group
- Adviser for dissertations and theses
- Teaching activities
- <link https: vetdoc.vetmeduni.ac.at vetdoc _blank>List of publications
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag.pharm. Dr.rer.nat. Karin Zitterl-Eglseer
+43 1 25077-3105
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- Functional botanical substances for use in medicinal products, feed- and foodstuffs and nutritional supplements
- Phytochemistry
- Phytotherapy
- Botany
- Pharmacy
- <link https: vetdoc.vetmeduni.ac.at vetdoc _blank>List of publications
Representative of the director of the "Functional Botanical Substances” working group
Secondary representative of the department spokesperson
Member of the curricular commission (Diplomate/PhD/PostDoc)
Secretary of the HMPPA (Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria)