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Our research is focused mainly on sexual selection, sexual conflict, and animal communication, and particularly the mechanisms and functions of courtship signals.

We mainly study wild house mice (Mus musculus), in the laboratory and also seminatural conditions.

Mouse in a laboratory setting with a small microphone in front of its face.

Animal Communication

We study a variety of aspects of communication, including how animals recognize individuals and kin (social recognition), and why animals often advertise with honest signals rather than cheating.

  • Chemical signals: Male mice produce a variety of pheromones that influence the behavior and physiology of conspecifics. We are studying the signaling functions of major urinary proteins (MUPs), which bind and transport volatile pheromones (Austrian Science Foundation grant, P24711-B21)
  • Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs): Male mice emit complex vocalizations during courtship and copulation, and we are studying their signaling functions (Austrian Science Foundation grant, P28141-B25)
  • Sounds and pheromones: Our project aims to identify neural circuits controlling sexual imprinting and the integration of olfactory and acoustic cues that control mating preferences as adults (grant funded by the Human Frontier Science Program, grant)
  • Voice Prints: Individual Signatures and Recognition in Mice (Austrian Science Foundation (FWF grant)   
Two mice in a hiding spot under lab conditions

Sexual Selection

We study mate choice (inter-sexual selection), and we aim to better understand how individuals find and assess the quality and compatibility of potential mates, and the adaptive functions (fitness consequences) of non-random mating. We also study male-male competition (intra-sexual selection), including sperm competition, and sexual conflict.

Two house mice in a laboratory setting, standing on hind legs

Evolutionary Biology and Medicine

We study immunogenetics (the evolution and selective maintenance of genetic MHC diversity), host-pathogen interactions, stress biology (telomere dynamics), inbreeding depression, and other topics that have direct implications for health and medicine.

TV-Tipp: W wie wissen - SWR 1

House mice love company and have complex social lives. Scientists have been researching the patterns according to which it works for a long time. An essential key to this is the mice's secret language. Behavioral biologists - including Doris Nicolakis, Maria Adelaide Marconi and Ken Luzynski under the direction of Dustin Penn and Sarah Zala from the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna - have just made significant progress in decoding them.

Watch online

On Sat, 07 November 2020 the German SWR TV-station brought a documentary about mouse song and scent communication in its series W wie Wissen. The programme, which is in German, can be viewed anytime in the TV-Thek

Watch here (German only)


Leading scientists
Dustin Penn, group leader
Sarah Zala, group co-leader

Technical assistance and animal keeping
Rebecca Gallo
Teresa Klaus
Adelheid Sasse
Eva Strasser
Bettina Wernisch
Martina Zani

Current students: PhD, MS, Diploma, BS, Erasmus & interships
Reyhaneh Abbasi
Elena Fröwis
Vanessa Kern
Anna Kruppa
Doris Nicolakis
Maja Peng
Oğuz Şafak
Manuel Schuh
Martina Zani

Project possibilities

We are looking for motivated students with an interest in behavioural or evolutionary biology and offer the opportunity for Master-, Bachelor- or Individual projects in: 

If interested, contact us.