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List of journal publications

Berckmans, D., Oczak, M., Iwersen, M., & Wagener, K. (2022). Precision Livestock Farming'22: papers presented at the 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming. In 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Vienna, Austria, 2.08.-01.09. 2022.

Oczak, M., Bayer, F., Vetter, S. G., Maschat, K., & Baumgartner, J. Where Is Sow’s Nose?-RetinaNet Object Detector As A Basis For Monitoring Use Of Rack With Nest-Building Material. Frontiers in Animal Science, 92.

Oczak, M., Bayer, F., Vetter, S., Maschat, K., & Baumgartner, J. (2022). Comparison of the automated monitoring of the sow activity in farrowing pens using video and accelerometer data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture192, 106517.

Wang, M., Larsen, M., Bayer, F., Maschat, K., Baumgartner, J., Rault, J. L., & Norton, T. (2021). A PCA-based frame selection method for applying CNN and LSTM to classify postural behaviour in sows. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture189, 106351.

Maschat, K., Dolezal, M., Leeb, C., Heidinger, B., Winckler, C., Oczak, M., & Baumgartner, J. (2020). Duration of confinement and pen-type affect health-related measures of welfare in lactating sows. Animal Welfare29(3), 339-352.

Chen, C., Zhu, W., Oczak, M., Maschat, K., Baumgartner, J., Larsen, M. L. V., & Norton, T. (2020). A computer vision approach for recognition of the engagement of pigs with different enrichment objects. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture175, 105580.

Liu, D., Oczak, M., Maschat, K., Baumgartner, J., Pletzer, B., He, D., & Norton, T. (2020). A computer vision-based method for spatial-temporal action recognition of tail-biting behaviour in group-housed pigs. Biosystems Engineering195, 27-41.

Oczak, M., Maschat, K., & Baumgartner, J. (2020). Dynamics of Sows’ Activity Housed in Farrowing Pens with Possibility of Temporary Crating might Indicate the Time When Sows Should be Confined in a Crate before the Onset of Farrowing. Animals10(1), 6.

Sturm, V., Efrosinin, D., Efrosinina, N., Roland, L., Iwersen, M., Drillich, M., & Auer, W. (2019). A chaos theoretic approach to animal activity recognition. Journal of Mathematical Sciences237(5), 730-743.

Schweinzer, V., Gusterer, E., Kanz, P., Krieger, S., Süss, D., Lidauer, L., ... & Drillich, M. (2019). Evaluation of an ear-attached accelerometer for detecting estrus events in indoor housed dairy cows. Theriogenology130, 19-25.

Krieger, S., Oczak, M., Lidauer, L., Berger, A., Kickinger, F., Öhlschuster, M., ... & Iwersen, M. (2019). An ear-attached accelerometer as an on-farm device to predict the onset of calving in dairy cows. Biosystems engineering184, 190-199.

Roland, L., Schweinzer, V., Kanz, P., Sattlecker, G., Kickinger, F., Lidauer, L., ... & Efrosinin, D. (2018). Evaluation of a triaxial accelerometer for monitoring selected behaviors in dairy calves. Journal of dairy science101(11), 10421-10427.

Roland, L., Lidauer, L., Sattlecker, G., Kickinger, F., Auer, W., Sturm, V., ... & Iwersen, M. (2018). Monitoring drinking behavior in bucket-fed dairy calves using an ear-attached tri-axial accelerometer: A pilot study. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture145, 298-301.

Reiter, S., Sattlecker, G., Lidauer, L., Kickinger, F., Öhlschuster, M., Auer, W., ... & Iwersen, M. (2018). Evaluation of an ear-tag-based accelerometer for monitoring rumination in dairy cows. Journal of dairy science101(4), 3398-3411.

Krieger, S., Sattlecker, G., Kickinger, F., Auer, W., Drillich, M., & Iwersen, M. (2018). Prediction of calving in dairy cows using a tail-mounted tri-axial accelerometer: A pilot study. Biosystems Engineering173, 79-84.

Krieger, S., Oczak, M., Kickinger, F., Lidauer, L., Auer, W., Drillich, M., & Iwersen, M. (2018). Precision livestock farming-Potential use of an accelerometer for predicting parturition in dairy cows. Tierarztliche Umschau73(3), 58-64.

Kanz, P., Krieger, S., Drillich, M., & Iwersen, M. (2018). Evaluation of a wireless pulse oximeter for measuring arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate in newborn Holstein Friesian calves. Journal of dairy science101(7), 6437-6442.

Oczak, M., Maschat, K., Berckmans, D., Vranken, E., & Baumgartner, J. (2016). Automatic estimation of number of piglets in a pen during farrowing, using image analysis. Biosystems Engineering151, 81-89.

Oczak, M., Maschat, K., Berckmans, D., Vranken, E., & Baumgartner, J. (2016). Can an automated labelling method based on accelerometer data replace a human labeller?–Postural profile of farrowing sows. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture127, 168-175.

Oczak, M., Maschat, K., Berckmans, D., Vranken, E., & Baumgartner, J. (2015). Classification of nest-building behaviour in non-crated farrowing sows on the basis of accelerometer data. biosystems engineering140, 48-58.