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Neues e-Book „Veterinary Ophthalmology“


Offering the very latest in diagnostics and therapeutics, this book presents a fully updated and revised edition of the definitive reference to veterinary ophthalmology. Covering both basic sciences and clinical treatment, it is a state-of-the-art text that encompasses ophthalmology in all species, including dogs, cats, horses, large animals, and exotic animals. Featuring expanded coverage of ocular conditions in cats, horses, and birds--and featuring nearly two thousand color photographs and illustrations--the book is a must for any practitioner treating eye disease.

Dieses Werk in 2 Bänden von Wiley Blackwell aus 2021 steht zum Online lesen auf der E-Book-Plattform ProQuest Ebook Central bereit. PDF-Kapitel können dauerhaft heruntergeladen werden.   

Im Bibliothekskatalog vetmed:seeker ist diese Neuerscheinung in der 6. Auflage auch auffindbar.