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Head of Genomics Unit
+43 1 25077 3151

email to Ralf Steinborn

Head of Proteomics Unit

Prof. Razzazi established the Proteomics Unit in 2007. He is assisting with all questions regarding project planning, acquisition of grants and publication for Proteomics and small molecules projects. As ASEA-UNINET coordinator of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna he promotes academic research partnerships and international collaborations between member institutions. With his big passion for teaching, Ebrahim is also entrusted with lectures and practical courses for the students.

+43 1 25077 3216

email to Ebrahim Razzazi-Fazeli

Staff scientist

Karin has built up the Proteomics unit together with Prof. Razzazi and gained great experience in the field of biological mass spectrometry during implementation of various mass spec techniques like MALDI-TOF/TOF, Ion Trap, Triple Quadrupole, QTOF and Orbitrap. Karin will be supporting you throughout your whole project – be it Proteomics or small molecules - starting from the planning phase and the setup of the sample preparation protocol. According to your demands she will assist you with your practical work in wet lab or perform the requested sample preparation for your submitted Proteomics samples. Furthermore, she is entrusted with mass spec analysis, data evaluation and reporting in order to support you with valuable Proteomics data or enable you by training to do your mass spec metabolite analysis hands-on on your own.


+43 1 25077 3153
email an Karin Hummel


Sarah is a precious part of our team since 2014. With her studies in biology and her extensive expertise in the fields of Proteomics sample preparation and mass spectrometry, but also gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, cell culture, microbiology and parasitology, Sarah will assist in all steps from planning till publication of your research project. Not to forget the very special „Sarah bonus“: being also part of the Transcriptomics team she is the link between both worlds - genes and proteins - which may also foster your project.

+43 1 25077 3153

email an Sarah Schlosser

PhD Student

Anna-Lena joined us in July 2022 for her PhD. She is kept busy with cell culture experiments, sample preparation and LC-MSMS analyses as well as data interpretation within the FWF project "Factors of metronidazole resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis" together with her supervisors David Leitsch (MedUni Vienna) and Ebrahim Razzazi-Fazeli (Vetmeduni Vienna). Due to her background in chemistry and her great enthusiasm in expanding her knowledge, she also supports us in development of sample preparation techniques.

+43 1 25077 3153

email an Anna-Lena Mayr

Head of Shared Facilities

Martin is assisting with all questions regarding VetCores Freezer Unit and the upcoming Cell Culture Unit as well as purchasing and maintaining Vetmeds capital equipment.

+43 1 25077-3152
email to Martin Hofer

Head of Transcriptomics Unit
+43 1 25077 3169

email to Reinhard Ertl

+43 1 25077 3155

email to Sarah Schlosser

Head of VetBiobank

Ingrid is the head of the VetBioBank as well as of the working group for Histology and Embryology. So her expertise ranges from tissue preparation and storage, over a broad field of (immuno)histological stainings to microscopy and microscopic analysis. She is helping you with the planning of your experiments and discussing available and useful techniques.

+43 1 25077 3406
email to Ingrid Walter


Biomedical Laboratory Scientist

Stefanie is a member of the VetBioBank from the early beginning of the facility and therefore a valued teamplayer in various areas. She will assist you with the planning of experiments, giving good advices in histological questions and is an expert in tissue preparation and (immuno)histological stainings.

+43 1 25077 6973
email to Stefanie Burger



Stevie is half-time working in the VetBiobank and at the VetImaging facility. He will mainly assist you in tissue (cryo) preparations, cryo sectioning, and both widefield and fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore he links up to the knowledge of image processing and image analysis of the Facility for Microscopy.

+43 1 25077 3171
email to Stefan Kummer
ORC ID: 0000-0002-0746-1403



As a part-time employee of the Biobank, she supports the team in (immuno)histological questions and also acts as a link to the Transcriptomics facility.

+43 125077 3162
email to Joana Schär

Technician, curently in maternal & educational leave

As Melanie was split up into the working groups of both the VetBiobank and Transcriptomics, she is not only firm with many histological working techniquies (tissue preparation, histological sectioning, staining, long time storage), but also brings her knowledge of a wide range of molecularbiological examinations into the game. Therefore she can enlighten your experiments from a different angle.

+43 125077 3162
email to Melanie Stargardt


Quality management officer

Besides helping in tissue preparation, microsopy and image analysis, Monika is with heart and soul improving our QM-System and therefore keeping the quality of the tissue samples as well as the documentation of the samples on a very high level.

+43 1 25077 3167
email to Monika Wieser


Head of Imaging Unit

Martin is assisting with all questions regarding imaging. However, his core expertise is in microscopy. He is helping with the planning of experiments and discussing available methodology as well as requests for future equipment.

+43 1 25077-3165
email to Martin Glösmann


Staff Scientist

Stephan is assisting with all questions related to microCT, 3D visualization, and quantitative analyses. He does hard- and software trainings for microCT and widefield microscopy and gives introductions to diverse imaging-related visualization and analysis software packages.

+43 1 25077 3161
email to Stephan Handschuh



Stevie is assisting with all microscopy questions. He gives trainings in widefield and confocal microscopy and is assisting in image processing. He is also helping with tissue preparation and immunohistochemistry.

+43 1 25077 3171
email to Stefan Kummer
ORC ID: 0000-0002-0746-1403

Staff Scientist

Ursula is assisting with all microscopy questions. She is supporting in life cell imaging and microscopic molecular imaging experiments. She gives trainings in widefield and confocal microscopy and is assisting in image analysis and deconvolution.

+43 1 25077 3161
email to Ursula Reichart