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The Austrian Ornithological Centre (AOC) is a scientific institution at the Vetmeduni Vienna. Among the tasks of the AOC are the research into the way of life of wild birds, the analysis of threat risks for native birds and the monitoring and promotion of especially rare species. At the Seebarn field office in Lower Austria we offer a comprehensive excursion and seminar programme. Here you can join experts for an exploration of the avifauna and their habitats, or attend specialist lectures. More about our current event program can be found here.

Using practical research approaches, we involve interested people in science.  Where are swallows still nesting today? Were there once a lot of storks in the Wagram region and why have they become rare today? How come some species that had temporarily disappeared have returned to make a home on the Wagram?  Using various research methods, such as citizen science or bird ringing, we try to clarify these and other questions.

Our research projects

Wild neighbours & Urban Wildlife

Birds and other wildlife are our neighbours in human settlements. Despite their close proximity to humans, little is known about their occurrence, distribution, behaviour and health status. Together with the public, we close gaps in knowledge in the projects "Wilde Nachbarn (Wild Neighbours)" and "StadtWildTiere (Urban wildlife)".  We invite you to become part of a research project and report your wildlife observations on the websites of StadtWildTiere and Wilde Nachbarn

Monitoring of Saker Falcons

Since 2010 we have together with BirdLife Austria regularly surveyed the state of the Austrian saker falcon population during the breeding season. BirdLife checks on the natural breeding sites, while the AOC team focuses on the artificial nesting aids on high voltage power line pylons. This way, the AOC and BirdLife form a strong alliance for the saker falcon in Austria. Together we keep track of the population across the entire Austrian distribution range.  

More on the Saker falcon project website


The return of a forest dweller

Since 2009, the team has been working to bring the rarest owl in Central Europe back to our forests. Once locally extinct, the ural owl can now again be found on the northern edge of the Alps. Thanks to the commitment of numerous partners, this project has become a success story and shows how research can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

More on the Ural owl website

Research project Little owl

The once common little owl (Athene noctua) is now one of the rarest, strictly protected species in Austria. The loss of suitable habitats is particularly difficult for the little owl. The aim of the Austrian Ornithological Centre is to identify suitable "second-hand" habitats and to supplement missing structures in the landscape that are essential for breeding in order to positively influence the fragile remaining population and give it a new chance.

More about the Little owl project

We invite you to get to know more exciting projects during a visit to the Seebarn field office during one of our events