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Head and coordinator: Mag. Dr. Alois Schmalwieser (Telephone ext. 4324)

Disinfection of drinking water

  • Biodosimetry to determine the efficiency of UV disinfection facilities                        
  • Development of methods for the radiophysical characterisation of  UV disinfection facilities                  
  • Determination of the dose-effect relationship for microorganisms, in particular pathogens and indicator organisms                                   
  • Determination of the photo-reactivation of UV damage in microorganisms                             
  • Establishment of standards for the use of medium pressure emitters in UV disinfection facilities                  

Effect of UV radiation on the skin

  • Elaboration of the action spectrum and the dose-effect relation for the melanome
  • Elaboration of a proposalt for an internationally accepted action spectrum of DNA damage in the skin

Solar UV radiation

  • Models and prognoses about biologically effective UV radiation as a basis for the assessment of animal and human exposure.
  • Investigation of natural UVA radiation as an agent for defense and repair mechanisms in relation to UVB radiation (harmful). 

More information about the centerpiece of these services under optic laboratory.

Scientific services

The scientific services in the area of photobiology are about the effects of optic radiation (UV and visible) on living organisms as well as on living systems. The inspections and services offered cover the sector of artificial optic radiation as well as solar radiation.

  • Operational prognosis of the UV index and related products, like sun burn time and recommendations for the use of sunscreens              
  • Personal dosimetry for the determination of individual UV exposure of humans and animals                
  • Investigation of the spectral transmission and the photostability of sunscreens
  • Precision measurements of emission spectras in the UV range and for the visible radiation of lamps, diodes etc.  
  • Characterisation of UV measuring devices (e.g. spectral sensitivity, thermic stability, cosinus properties of the sensor)
  • Type inspections of UV disinfection facilities according to the Austrian norm       ÖNORM M 5873-1,-2, using microorganisms and opto-electric equipment.


News in the media:

Solarien im Test, direkt – das magazin, ORF, 13.12.2011, 22:50

Schatten auf der Sonnenbank, KONSUMENT 05/2011, p.26-29

Wien eröffnet neues Prüfzentrum für UV Anlagen zur Trinkwasserdesinfektion, Aquapress 2/2011, p.8-12