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Game HowtoCow - July 2018

The game "HowtoCow" simulates moving of a cow. The game is developed by the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna in cooperation with a schoolteam of the TGM class 4cHIT in the course of a Game Based Learning Approach.
The game "HowtoCow" will be offered in Vetucation in the course "Handling animals and animal care" as a training supplement.

Project interactive multimedia tutorial - Vetucation®-Award 2010

An interactive multimedia learning program was designed and implemented for the course "Excursion from Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare". This was done in cooperation with the Institute for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies at Danube University Krems, as Dr. Dagmar Lingnau was completing her Master's degree in e-Education there at the time. 

The students can use the virtual learning program to optimally prepare for the excursion to the farms. The program deals with the husbandry systems of various animals. The project received the Vetucation® Award and was presented to Ass. Prof. Dr. Johannes Baumgartner and Dr. Dagmar Lingnau, MA.