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FWF Project P 25357

Mechanism of nucleotide-mediated inhibition of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins

Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Elena E. POHL

1. Februar 2013 - 31. Jänner 2017

Abstract english

Abstract deutsch



Moschinger, M., Hilse, K.E., Rupprecht, A., Zeitz, U., Erben, R.G., Rülicke, T., Pohl, E.E. (2019) Age-related sex differences in the expression of important disease-linked mitochondrial proteins in mice. Biol Sex Differ. 10(1):56

Kreiter, J., Rupprecht, A., Zimmermann, L., Moschinger, M., Rokitskaya, T., Antonenko, Y., Gille, L., Fedorova, M., Pohl, E. (2019) Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for Pharmacological Effects of Genipin on Mitochondrial Proteins. Biophysical Journal

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Rupprecht, A., Moldzio, R., Mödl, B., Pohl, E. (2019) Glutamine regulates mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 to promote glutaminolysis in neuroblastoma cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1860 (5)

Pashkovskaya, A., Vazdar, M., Zimmermann, L., Jovanovic, O., Pohl, P., Pohl, E. (2018) Mechanism of Long-Chain Free Fatty Acid Protonation at the Membrane-Water Interface. Biophysical Journal 114 (9)

Hilse, K.E., Rupprecht, A., Egerbacher, M., Bardakji, S., Zimmermann, L., Seiler Wulczyn, A.E.M., Pohl, E. (2018) The Expression of Uncoupling Protein 3 Coincides With the Fatty Acid Oxidation Type of Metabolism in Adult Murine Heart. Front. Physiol. 9

Macher, G., Koehler, M., Rupprecht, A., Kreiter, J., Hinterdorfer, P., Pohl, EE. (2018) Inhibition of mitochondrial UCP1 and UCP3 by purine nucleotides and phosphate. Biochim Biophys Acta - Biomembranes 1860. 664–672

Koehler, M., Macher, G., Rupprecht, A., Zhu R., Gruber H. J., Pohl, E.E., Hinterdorfer, P. (2017) Combined Recognition Imaging and Force Spectroscopy: A new mode for mapping and studying interaction sites at low lateral density. Sci Adv Mater 9, 128–134 (IF 2.6)

Hilse, K.E., Kalinovich, A., Rupprecht, A., Smorodchenko A., Zeitz, U., Staniek, K., Erben, R.G., Pohl, E.E. (2016) The expression of UCP3 directly correlates to UCP1 abundance in brown adipose tissue, BBA – Bioenergetics 1857, 1, 72–78 (IF* 4.78) doi: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.10.011

Zhu, R., Rupprecht, A., Ebner, A., Haselgruebler, T., Gruber, H.J., Hinterdorfer, P., Pohl, E.E. (2013) Mapping the nucleotide binding site of UCP1 using atomic force microscopy. JACS 135, 3640-3646 (IF 13)


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Abstract deutsch