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General Information

In Phaidra university members can self-archive manuscripts of their closed access publications and make them freely available to the public.


The database SHERPA/RoMEO offers information about the self-archiving policy of a large number of publishers and journals. However, legally binding are the regulations set in the publishing agreement. In case of doubt contact the publisher.

Manuscript versions

Please refer to the publishing agreement for the exact specifications. The most common versions for self-archiving purposes are:

  • Pre-Print (submitted version)
  • Post-Print (accepted version)

Embargo periods

In many cases embargo periods are set by publishers. They range from 6 to 24 months. Refer to your publishing agreement for further informaton.

Please consider:

Upload the manuscript as PDF / PDF-A file. Set a reference to the official publication (DOI and/or bibliographical data).