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Proteomics – Identification and Relative Quantification of Proteins

In the field of proteomics, our team supports identification and quantification of proteins. Feel free to intact us if you want to know the composition of proteins in a sample or if you are interested to compare differences between various groups of samples. We are happy to find the appropriate analysis method for your specific research question together with you, no matter what you are working with, be it complex cell lysates, immunoprecipitated samples or protein analysis using 1- or 2-dimensional SDS-PAGE gels.


For Proteomics analyses a high-resolution mass spectrometer (Orbitrap QExactive HF) coupled to a nano-HPLC system (Ultimate 3000 RSLC) from Thermo is available.


Our service

The analysis of Proteomics samples is offered in full-service mode. Service fees comprise material and equipment running costs starting from submission of the protein lysate or 1D gel band/2D spots to the report. In detail our service includes:

  • Help and advice during project planning and application for grants
  • Sample preparation for mass spectrometric analysis: Digest of extracted proteins with various digestion protocols (FASP, SP3, S-Trap, In-Gel, In-Solution)
  • Analysis of peptides using nano-HPLC coupled to our high-resolution mass spectrometer (Orbitrap QExactive HF)
  • Database search in available protein databases (from public servers as NCBI or UniProt) as well as your own protein database in fasta format
  • A detailed report of your results containing all the information you need for publication
  • Help and advice during manuscript writing
  • We can also provide basic statistical analysis (t-test, ANOVA) if required. For any further statistical analysis, you are kindly advised to contact a biostatistician.