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MicroCT overview
We currently operate two microCT systems that allows high-resolution scanning of ex vivo samples ranging in size from 0.5 mm diameter to the size of an adult mouse. In addition to providing equipment for scanning mineralized and soft tissues we provide protocols for sample preparation and offer extensive support in sample preparation and analysis of tomographic image data.

3D reconstruction and rendering
One of our workstations is dedicated to the handling of 3D datasets including various approaches to visualizing 3D image data. We offer software and training for both image segmentation and polygon surface visualization as well as for direct volume rendering visualization.

Quantitative analysis of 3D data
We offer software and training for quantitative analysis of 3D image data including geometric measurements such as linear distances, angles, surface areas or volumes as well as densitometry. The tools allow for a fully quantitative characterization of mineralized (bone) or soft tissues.