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New e-Book „Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk“

[Translate to English:] © Burleigh Dodds

Publisher's information:

The dairy sector is under increasing scrutiny on environmental, welfare and health grounds. One way of addressing these challenges is to highlight and optimise the nutritional and functional properties of milk as part of a balanced diet. Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk reviews the latest research on the remarkable range of functional and nutritional properties of milk that make it both a key food source and ingredient in a wide range of dairy products. The collection discusses proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other components of milk, as well as how our understanding can be used to optimise the quality of milk and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt.

This new publication from March 2022 is permanently available for download and also for reading on the Taylor & Francis platform for authorised users.

About the search interface Vetmed:seeker and directly via the platform link the full text can be accessed.