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Neues e-Book „Super-Resolution Microscopy“

© Wiley-VCH

Aus der Verlagsbeschreibung:

This unique book on super-resolution microscopy techniques presents comparative, in-depth analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual approaches. It was written for non-experts who need to understand the principles of super-resolution or who wish to use recently commercialized instruments as well as for professionals who plan to realize novel microscopic devices. Explaining the practical requirements in terms of hardware, software and sample preparation, the book offers a wealth of hands-on tips and practical tricks to get a setup running, provides invaluable help and support for successful data acquisition and specific advice in the context of data analysis and visualization.

Der Volltext dieses Titels aus 2017 ist über die Suchoberfläche Vetmed:seeker und auf der Verlagsplattform  Wiley Online Library abrufbar.