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The aim of the programme is to qualify veterinarians for a career in public veterinary administration. The practical application of the knowledge imparted should enable the participants to perform the activities required in public veterinary administration at a high professional level, with a solid foundation in the latest developments in veterinary medicine and a knowledge of the relevant legal provisions.

Participants acquired extensive professional competence, supported by case studies and discussions.

The course is tailored especially to working people with a blended learning format (combination of classroom and distance learning) divided into 6 modules, each with a final examination, over a period of 3 semesters.

The university-level training course is a cooperative venture with the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Long-Term Care and Consumer Protection, which provides economic and organisational support.

Admissions requirements

The following criteria must be met for admission to the university-level training course:

  • Completion of studies in veterinary medicine at a recognised Austrian or foreign postsecondary educational institution
  • Credentials to practice veterinary medicine in Austria
  • Completion of the competitive selection process

Selection for and admission to the university-level training course is only possible before the start of the course. The course directors determine the maximum number of participants per course taking into account the available places of study.

Curriculum Veterinary Public Health Qualification (“Physikat”)